Episode Transcript
[00:00:03] Hi, I'm Michelle Merhar. You may remember me from the morning news. Let's talk the digital age and more specifically, conventional business cards. You know, they're a thing of the past. In fact, most people who receive a conventional business card either lose it or toss it within minutes of having received it. With that, the company has lost that lead and likely that sale. At NOW Media, we've designed a product that is changing the industry and we call it Video Business Card. It's a video specially recorded with cutting edge technologies in our fully owned professional TV studios and it's designed to be sent quickly using your smartphone or tablet to your clients, suppliers or anyone you need to be in contact with. The best part? It's fully compatible with any instant messaging application or email system you already have. The NOW Media Video Business Card will feature you, along with your contact information, summary of all your company's products or services, and an engaging look and message specially crafted to generate new leads. Best of all, it really is affordable for any business. From startups to multinational companies. The NOW Media Video Business Cards are already being used by hundreds of companies and most of them are seeing and feeling the difference in their lead generation and sales. We don't need to tell you how important our NOW Media Video Business Card will be to your brand, your customer experience, your ability to interact with your clients, and will become an integral part of generating new revenue. Call us today at 832-384-9588 or email us at videocardowmedia tv.